17: Pacific Northwest

the coniferous forested of the Pacific Northwest are unfit for farming. However the Willamette Valley became the regional agricultural heartland because of the plentiful rain, fertile soil, and temperature climate. Dominant farming activities in this area are dairying, truck farming, vineyard culture, and forage crops. Some specialized crops are fruits and berries, which are grown for local consumption. Also, Oregon grows more than 225 crops, the third more diverse in the nation (after California and Florida). 
In Hawaii Pineapple and sugar agriculture were the state’s leading economic activities until the 1960s. Coffee is also part of the agriculture in Hawaii. There are about 650 small coffee farms that average three acres. A total of about thirty-five hundred acres produces about 3.8 million pounds annually. Today coffee is mostly a tourist trade item centered on the small Kona district. Recently, farmers returned to taro production in an effort to revive traditional and nutritious Hawaiian foods. Fishing is also part of the agriculture; fishing has been the dominant Hawaiian protein. 

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