12: The Ozarks

In Ozarks the water is plentiful. However, even though water is plentiful, the porous limestone increases the possibility of contamination, because of the regional dependence on intensive livestock production, especially chickens and hogs, whose manure compromises water quality and the ecological balance of aquatic species. In Hawaii the water of the sparsely settled islands is healthy, but overfishing, pollution, invasive algae, runoff, and human contact threaten the heavily populated islands.

Native Americans have occupied the Ozarks from the woodland period (100 BCE-900 CE) through the Mississippian period (900-1200 CE). Others who settled in the Ozarks were Scots-Irish and Germans, who left the Appalachian region to settle in the hills and hollows od the Ozark Plateau. In Hawaii Polynesian migration occurred, first from Marquesas, and later from Tahiti, but smaller migrations continued through the fifteenth century. Others who arrived were the Europeans. 

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